Alexis Langevin-Tétrault: Interférences (String Network)

  • ©, ,


    Interférences (String Network)

Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    Interference (String Network) is an audiovisual performance that explores the possibilities of embodiment of an electroacoustic work in real time through gestural interaction with a unique audiovisual device. On stage, an audioreactive play of light unfolds gradually: Alexis Langevin-Tétrault (CA) builds a network of strings with which he interacts to create a sound universe between the industrial noise, electronica and acousmatic music. Through the staging of corporality and the dialectical relationship between the human and the machine, Interférences (String Network) presents an allegory of the globalized and interconnected modern world in which the individual seeks to derive meaning from his experience and attempts to preserve its freedom of action. Composer and musician from the post-rock, acousmatic and electronic scenes, Alexis Langevin-Tétrault proposes a singular brutalist universe and infuses a dynamic of live music to a musical genre rarely incarnated by the performance.

    Alexis Langevin-Tétrault: Concept, device manufacturing, programming, composition and performance
    Lucas Paris : Design and manufacture of lights
    Nicolas Bernier : Advice on the artistic direction
    Anne Thériault : Advice on dramaturgy

    This project was created thanks to the support of the Conseil des Arts et Lettres du Québec, the Château Éphémère – Fabrique sonore et numérique (Fr), the Université de Montréal and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.




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