Anne Walton, Cat Hope: A(D)DRESS.MOV
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Exhibiting Artist(s):
- Anne Walton
Cat Hope
- Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia
Artist Statement:
A(D)DRESS.MOV is a work in progress – a wearable screen for musicians. It is conceived to be a platform responsive to past and present environments -where the use of video projection, sampling technology and interactivity widens the performative range available to any artist who wears it.
Inspired by film soundtracks and performance art, A(D)DRESS.MOV was originally devised to enhance electronic sound performances and to create a more meaningful connection to screening video. To date, the skirt has featured remote video switching, wireless spy cameras, Max/MSP patching and multiple speakers, but never all of these at the same time. The long-term goal for A(D)DRESS.MOV is the integration of all these elements into one wearable instrument.
A(D)DRESS.MOV forms the second part of a projected trilogy of skirt works. The first is called The Other Velvet and is a voluminous velvet skirt worn by a musician performing with a dancer secreted inside the garment. The third skirt is yet to be developed.
This presentation will expand on the concept of the skirt trilogy, trace the emergence of the audio-visual duo cAVity, and discuss and demonstrate the approaches taken and the results achieved in the research and development of A(D)DRESS.MOV since the original prototype was developed in 2002. It will include video and audio footage of various performances and research environments in which the prototype has been presented or tested.
cAVity is an audio visual duo consisting of Anne Walton and Cat Hope from Perth, Western Australia. They are pursuing alternatives to the convention of the flat, vertically oriented, rectilinear screen whilst also playing with the typical relationship between sound and video.