Axel Mulder: Sensing the Art: Facilitating the Creation of Interactive Art

  • ©, ,


    Sensing the Art: Facilitating the Creation of Interactive Art

Artist(s) and People Involved:

    Exhibiting Artist(s):


Artist Statement:

    Interaction can be defined as an intelligent response, in terms of changing lights, sounds, music, images, animation, moving objects etc., to an action by a performer, a member of the audience or the natural environment. To add such interaction to their art or performances, artists have to engage in a costly and difficult dialogue with highly-skilled technical persons to realize their ideas. Three types of systems can be identified upon analyzing the resulting art. Interactive Installations, Interactive Performance Spaces, and Wearable Interactive Performance Systems. A data acquisition and processing system based on MIDI and MAX is proposed to facilitate for the artist the design of these types of art.

Technical Information:

    A data acquisition and processing system based on MIDI and MAX is proposed to facilitate for the artist the design of these types of art.


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