Brady Ciel Marks: We Are With You: Mirror

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  • ©, ,


    We Are With You: Mirror

Artist(s) and People Involved:



Creation Year:



    2500 diffuse while LEDs, Peggy 2 Light Emitting Pegboard, 3 Phase Motor, HAL Effects Sensor, Beagle Bone White Linux Computer, Plexiglass, Metal Work (Rob Symers), Custom Software (C/Processing), iMac

Artist Statement:

    Techinically, We Are With You: Mirror, is a 9 Cubic Foot, True 3D Volumetric Display based on persistence of vision, or briefly the Hologram from Star Wars. Originating from the artist run centres and DIY communities in Vancouver, it is a bold shot across the bow of “3D” TV. Conceived by media artist Brady Marks, this 3D Display prototype was built at VIVO Media Arts Centre, shown at Maker Faire Vancouver (2014) and Science World (2015). It is both an artwork and meta work, or Platform for 3D Kinetic Experimentation, continuing the tradition of putting new and emerging technology in the hands of artists to explore the medium’s scope.


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