“Brass Art at the Palace” by Chara Lewis, Martell Lindsdell, Anneke Pettican, Kirsten Mojsiewicz, Helen Bendon, Jo Lansley, Adelin Clarke
- Brass Art at the Palace
Artist(s) and People Involved:
- Chara Lewis
- Martell Lindsdell
- Anneke Pettican
- Helen Bendon
- Jo Lansley
- Adelin Clarke
- Kristin Mojsiewicz
- Edinburgh College of Art
Exhibiting Artist(s):
- Video, digitally manipulated photographs, installation, performance, CCTV system, monitors, interactive video wall, voicemail
Artist Statement:
Curator Statement
The Hotel has been chosen as a loaded site, heavy with references to luxury, anonymity, loneliness, romance, secrecy, brief sexual encounters etc… on a sliding scale from opulence to seediness. The project involves the use of video and other digital media including stills, digitally manipulated photographs, installation and performance, and utilises the existing technology in the hotel – the CCTV system, monitors in rooms, interactive video wall, voice mail and the hotel’s web site.