“Continuum 1: Initiation” by Dean Winkler, Maureen Nappi
- Continuum 1: Initiation
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Filmmaker, Video Artist, or Animator(s):
Artist Statement:
Initiation is the first of four movements in the Continuum set created by Maureen Nappi and Dean Winkler. The underlying theme of Initiation is to elicit a state of suspension in a physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual manner on the part of the viewer. With music by Philip Glass performed by the Kronos String Quartet, the four-part work-in-progress allegorically illustrates our life cycles utilizing a range of electronic imagery.
Technical Information:
Silicon Graphics 3130 work stations
Celerity 1260 rendering engines
Sillicon Graphics CS-12 rendering engine
Raster Tech one/80 frame buffer
Quantel Paintbox and Harry with Rainbow
Grass Valley Group Kaleidoscope digital video image processors
Grass Vally Group GVG-300 switcher
Abekas A-62 digital disk recorder
CMX-3600 editing controller
Sony DVR-1000 digital videotape recorders
Sony DVR-10 digital videotape recorders
Wavefront 3D animation software (Model, Preview and Image)
Post Perfect object generation/interpolation software
Quantel Ver. 4.16 operating system
Kaleidoscope Ver. 4 Ob
Video by Maureen Nappi & Dean Winkler
Music composed by Phillip Glass, performed by the Kronos String Quartet, Nonesuch Records
Wavefront support: Michael Limber, Lenny Donnel Alex Seiden & Andy White
Compositing: Tim Farrel
Software: Scott Gordon & Alex Seiden
Images realized at Post Perfect, NYC
copyright NAPPI / WINKLER