Dan Zer0: Angelus Novus 4.01
- Angelus Novus 4.01
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Exhibiting Artist(s):
Artist Statement:
I am interested in how artists can employ digital technology as a medium to explore their traditional obsessions such as the meaning of power, desire and death. A computer is the ideal instrument for causing meanings to collide, fluctuate and flow into each other—and to play with the tension between authenticity and simulation in the space between intention and chance. Each viewer/user navigates a unique path through a digital collage of layers and loops of appropriated images, sounds, voices and texts.
All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive:
- Dan Zer0
- More Art Events from Dan Zer0 in this archive:
Angelus Novus 4.01
[ ISEA95]