David Guez: DotRed
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Exhibiting Artist(s):
Artist Statement:
DotRed is a playful application on the Internet – a serious game – that enhances the federation of the Internet users around humanitarian, social and environmental actions in order to facilitate the passage between the virtual world and the real world. DotRed offers to its users virtual cities cut up into several million parcels for sale in a 3D interface covered one to one by a cartographic application similar to Google Maps. The game aims to collect money that will be redistributed in the form of donations to officially recognised organizations and which concerns correspond to the objectives of the missions. DotRed started off its action with the sale of Paris during an exhibition shown at the Centre Pompidou in May 2008.
The website DotRed:After the player’s registration on the DotRed website, he will be able to choose to buy one or several plots of land of 100 m² on the city map selected at the price of X euros per plot (For example, two euros for 100m2 in Paris).
• A 3D cube is going to appear on the game’s map, at the postal address where the player will have bought the plot.
• That cube has a standard size but the user can call on his social networks (by using facebook for example) or create a mailing list to promote the city’s sale as fast as possible. He thus also becomes a promoter of the game.
• As a reward for his proselytism, the 3D cube size will increase in height, such as a growing skyscraper that comes along with the player’s capacity to federate the highest possible number of people.
• Each cube can be tagged thanks to paint tools and different presentations allow a hypernavigation from cube to cube and from city to city. After the city of Paris, new cities and region maps will be suggested to the players, each time combined with a humanitarian, social or environmental cause, a partnership with local or national associations and art.