Deanne Achong: The Obsolescence Project: the Usefulness of Useless Things

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    The Obsolescence Project: the Usefulness of Useless Things

Artist(s) and People Involved:



Creation Year:

    2013 – 2015


    Projection, blog

Artist Statement:

    The Obsolescence Project brings the artifacts, noises and silences of our analog past back from the dead, where they are reanimated through a series of projected photographs. These 30 images are culled from Achong’s year-long daily photographic blog of obsolete things, selected to echo the calender format. The blog and images are a kind of quest for the consideration of obsolete things, whether real, owned, borrowed, imaginary or metaphorically obsolete. The work pursues notions of longing, time, trash, residue, and waste, and embraces the residual trace of objects and memories that are discarded, left behind, or junked.


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