Dejan Grba: Wake Vortex

  • ©, Dejan Grba, Wake Vortex


    Wake Vortex

Artist(s) and People Involved:



    Screening/’Media Art’ Piece

Artist Statement:

    Wake Vortex is an ongoing series of generative videos and images built around the idea that digital raster image can be treated as a three-dimensional object and viewed not just frontally but also from any other side. This process can be understood as line-scanning of digital imagery. Viewed orthogonally from the side, the image is perceived as a one-pixel wide line, while orthogonal scanning of a stacked set of video frames creates a new set of images which can be animated, and certain combinations of source materials and scanning sides/directions produce interesting results. Wake Vortex employs (re)creativity with orthogonal scanning of the artworks and cultural artefacts which were themselves developed through various modes of innovative combinatorics. Dimensional collapse in orthogonal scanning reveals new formal values and facilitates layered observation. While visually estranged, the generated imagery retains the suggestiveness of the original so the viewer intuitively regards it analytically. In aviation and seamanship, wake vortex is often a dangerous, unpredictable turbulent trail generated by the craft’s motion. In this project, it points to the complexity of the imperceptible or unregistered default values of an artwork or cultural artefact, to their unforeseen expressive, cognitive, ethical and political consequences.



All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive: