“Digital Calligraffiti” by Michael Ang

  • ©, ,


    Digital Calligraffiti

Artist(s) and People Involved:

    Exhibiting Artist(s):




    Digital Calligraffiti

Artist Statement:

    Digital Calligraffiti is an art form that combines calligraphy, graffiti, and urban media art. Participants write messages using calligraphy that are live projected as they are drawn – the messages become digital calligraffiti on the walls of the city. The project gives the chance to different social groups to freely share their messages and wishes. Using the art of calligraffiti to catalyze communication between the individual and the whole, Digital Calligraffiti transforms urban space into a canvas for expression. With the artistic guidance of renowned calligraffiti artists participants are invited to write beautifully their message to share with others. The artistic format facilitates dialogue through a series of activities introducing many social groups to calligraffiti and new media art, building cross-cultural bridges between people, and celebrating diversity while bringing us closer together.


    Supported by the Goethe Institut Johannesburg.




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