“Fauna – Seven Sisters (National Park series)” by Katherine Melançon
- Fauna – Seven Sisters (National Park series)
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Exhibiting Artist(s):
Artist Statement:
Focus Québec Exhibition. Forum des Images, May 16 – 21
Video installation
The video work has the Seven Sisters National Park (England) still life series as a starting point. The series was created following my visit in 2013. The works attempt to translate the uncanniness of the place; mountains and shores made of chalk that the sea erodes with its come and go. My video works are always slow to impose slowing down, to mimic the rhythm of plants and to reward the gaze that looks with attention.
My practice is interested in process, nontraditional tools and materials and the use of camera less photography to reveal aspects of the natural. Through cycles of transformation between the virtual and the physical, I create “new seeds” that I plant in different materials to discover what emerges. The starting point is often natural specimens from a specific location scanogramed.
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All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive:
- Katherine Melançon
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