“From Kellie to Teddy Bear to Telephone” by Mark Dunhill, Martin William Rieser, John Joekes


From Kellie to Teddy Bear to Telephone

Artist(s) and People Involved:

Exhibiting Artist(s):


Artist Statement:

From Kellie to Teddy Bear to Telephone grew out of the desire to make a series of objects that could be experienced primarily through touch and which would concentrate attention on form. A recognizable, tangible form changes step by step into another form. It is a journey
that can be felt through the hand and needs memory to connect the beginning, middle and end.

The computer was used as a tool to turn an illogical, unlikely idea into a logical metamorphosis of disparate forms, performing a task the human brain would think twice about taking on. This work formed part of an exhibition called ‘Feeling to See’ held at the Arnolfini Gallery Bristol in 1987 as part of the T.S.W.A. 3.D. project.

Mark Dunhill and John Joekes worked in collaboration with Martin Rieser to produce this piece with the assistance of Chris Hales and Rosalind Whittard and a number of students from the Art & Design Department at Bristol Polytechnic.

All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive:
