Martin William Rieser

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

De Montfort University, The Institute of Creative Technologies, Senior Lecturer

Other Affiliation(s):

  • Bristol Polytechnic
  • Bath Spa University

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Martin Rieser, Professor of Digital Creativity, The Institute of Creative Technologies, De Montfort University, UK


Pro­fes­sor Mar­tin Rieser‘s art prac­tice in in­ter­net art and in­ter­ac­tive nar­ra­tive in­stal­la­tions has been seen around the world in­clud­ing Milia in Cannes; Paris; The ICA Lon­don and in Ger­many, Mon­treal, Nagoya in Japan and Mel­bourne, Aus­tralia. He as de­liv­ered pa­pers on in­ter­ac­tive nar­ra­tive and ex­hib­ited at many major con­fer­ences in the field in­clud­ing ISEA: Mon­treal 1995, Rot­ter­dam 1996, Chicago 1997, Nagoya 2002, Belfast 2009, Uni­ver­sity of Oslo 2004, Sig­graph, 2005, Re­fresh Banff Arts Cen­tre 2005, Dig­i­tal Match­makers Trond­heim 2005 Plan ICA 2005, NAI Rot­ter­dam 2008, In­tel­li­gent En­vi­ron­ments Seat­tle 2008,Barcelona 2009, Lo­cunet Uni­ver­sity of Athens 2008, ISEA2009 and at many other con­fer­ence venues across the UK and Eu­rope. His in­ter­ac­tive in­stal­la­tions in­clude Un­der­stand­ing Echo shown in Japan 2002, Hosts Bath Abbey 2006 and Se­cret Door In­video Milan 2006, The Street RMIT Gallery Mel­bourne 2008. He is cur­rently de­vel­op­ing mo­bile art­works for Vi­enna (The Third Woman), and pub­lic in­stal­la­tions for the new DMC in Leices­ter (Se­cret Gar­den) . He has pub­lished nu­mer­ous es­says and books on dig­i­tal art in­clud­ing New Screen Media: Cin­ema/ Art/Nar­ra­tive (BFI/ZKM, 2002), which com­bines a DVD of cur­rent re­search and prac­tice in this area to­gether with crit­i­cal es­says. And has re­cently edited The Mo­bile Au­di­ence, a book on loca­tive tech­nol­ogy and art due out this year from Rodopi, also logged in a blog. He has also acted as con­sul­tant to bod­ies such as Cardiff Bay Arts Trust and the Pho­tog­ra­pher’s Gallery Lon­don, Arkive in Bris­tol, The Soros Media In­sti­tute in Prague and UIAH in Helsinki.


Martin Rieser is Senior Lecturer in Digital Media at Bath Spa University College, formerly at Napier University, Edinburgh and the University of the West of England, Bristol. Director “Media Myth & Mania” for “Silver to Silicon” CD ROM. Interactive exhibitions include, “Understanding Echo” (Cheltenham Festival 2000/ Watershed 2002), and “Labyrinth” (F-Stop 1997), “Screening the Virus” (1996 ArtAids) “Electronic Forest” (1900-91 Prema). Curated “The Electronic Print” (Arnolfini, 1989). Co-editor: New Screen Media: Cinema/Art/Narrative (British Film Institute, London and Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany, 2002). He has been involved with digital media as an electronic artist since 1981.


Martin Rieser, UK, is Senior Lecturer in Electronic Arts and Multimedia at the University of the West of England, Bristol. Digital media artist since 1981. Has worked intensively with multi-media and digital installations for the past five years. Currently enrolled on a Ph.D. in Interactive Environments for Architectural Installation at Middlesex University. Artist-in­Residence, Watershed media centre, Bristol, for Screening the Virus, intelligent self-curating website for World Aids Day 1996. Director of Orbit project involving 12 major inter­active public artworks. Director, Media Myth & Mania, UWE research project for Silver to Silicon, CD ROM publication, exhibited Watershed Gallery Bristol, Focal Point Gallery, Southend, and ICA, London, Milia, Cannes, and at confer­ences at the Universities of Middlesex and Westminster. Curator of The Electronic Print, Arnolfini 1989, and The Electronic Eye, Watershed 1986. Exhibitions include Electronic Rainforest, interactive computer environment 1990-91. Presented papers at ISEA 1993, 1995,1996, and Oberhausen Short film festival 1997.


Martin William Rieser (UK) is senior lecturer in Electronic Arts and Multimedia at the University of the West of England (UWE) in Bristol. He has been a digital media artist since 1981 working intensively with multimedia for the last four years.


Senior lecturer in Electronic Arts, Department of Art and Design, Bristol Polytechnic

Last Known Location:

Bristol, United Kingdom

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