“Future Calls The Dawn Chorus” by Jenny Gillam, Eugene Hansen, John Malcolmson, Daniel Shaw
- Future Calls The Dawn Chorus
Artist(s) and People Involved:
- Jenny Gillam
- RMIT, Melbourne
- Eugene Hansen
- Canterbury University
- John Malcolmson
- School of Fine Arts, Christchurch
- Rhode Island School of Design
- Daniel Shaw
- Massey University
- Dunedin Public Art Gallery, New Zealand
Exhibiting Artist(s):
Artist Statement:
An installation juxtaposing a flock of mass-produced contemporary cyber/kitsch bird alarm clocks perching on a wall of graphic design with an audio/video performance and two streaming webcasts. Intended to heighten viewers’ sense of place, awareness of their own sensory perceptions and limitations, and how technology mediates that experience, it deliberately conflates the places that popular culture, the natural world and art occupy in our lives. The work also points to the relationship between the real and virtual experience, whilst the use of live-streamed audio and video is both an ironic reflection on the dysfunctional nature of surveillance in contemporary life, and a pointer to the changes technology is making in our perceptual space. jennygillam.com vjrex.info
ISEA Performance from Eugene Hansen on Vimeo.
All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive:
- Jenny Gillam
- More Art Events from Jenny Gillam in this archive:
Future Calls The Dawn Chorus
[ ISEA2013]- Eugene Hansen
- More Art Events from Eugene Hansen in this archive:
Future Calls The Dawn Chorus
[ ISEA2013]- John Malcolmson
- More Art Events from John Malcolmson in this archive:
Future Calls The Dawn Chorus
[ ISEA2013]- Daniel Shaw
- More Art Events from Daniel Shaw in this archive:
Future Calls The Dawn Chorus
[ ISEA2013]