Hitoshi Akayama, Katsuyuki Kamei, Koichi Nishi: sweet colon
- sweet colon
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Exhibiting Artist(s):
- ISEA2002: 11th International Symposium on Electronic Art
- More artworks from ISEA2002:
- 3D animation
Artist Statement:
Color objects flit about in the space filled in light. It aimed at expressing the world only in computer graphics that we have never seen before. We expressed the original motions that are applied by simulation models that reproduce motions of groups and springs. The software we use is “Maya”. “MEL” script and “Expression” in Maya control all motion.
All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive:
- Hitoshi Akayama
sweet colon
[ ISEA2002] - Katsuyuki Kamei
sweet colon
[ ISEA2002] - Koichi Nishi
sweet colon
[ ISEA2002]