Jason Salavon: The Grand Unification Theory

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  • Photo from salavon.com


    The Grand Unification Theory

Artist(s) and People Involved:

    Exhibiting Artist(s):

    • Jason Salavon -
      • School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC)-Wrong one


Artist Statement:

    The Grand Unification Theory reformats hours of narrative into the immediacy of the picture, while preserving the structure of whole and part. The panels exist as both abstract formal constructions at a distance and single frames of film upon closer inspection. Again, I designed the images by drawing and working with forms, but composed software for the purpose of analyzing and assembling the images. Although I am interested in many other issues (such as pop culture and broad aesthetic appeal), one of the principal aims of this work is to represent structures in microcosmic and macrocosmic perspectives simultaneously. The difficulty in managing large numbers of items necessitates the invention of new tools to assist in the creation of these structures. That does not imply that the tools do all the work. Quite the opposite, as designer of the forms and designer of the tools, the author is completely responsible for the composition. In collaboration with the tools I create, I build worlds. The nature of the worlds depends on perspective.


All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive: