“K-Rad Man” by Ian Haig
- K-Rad Man
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Exhibiting Artist(s):
Artist Statement:
Screening 11′, 1991
“A mad scientist develops a computer virus designed to manifest itself as a biological life-form which wreaks havoc with an unsuspecting computer nerd.” screenaustralia.gov.au/the-screen-guide/t/k-rad-man-1991/4769
“A mad scientist, a techno-nerd and a deadly computer virus form an ultra vivid hyper-reality in this computer generated comic strip.” miff.com.au/festival-archive/films/id/20261
“Haig is in fact exemplary of the migration to interactive media by artists who had formerly worked either exclusively or partially with video. Haig’s early experiments with analogue video in the late 1980s shifted to take advantage of the `pixelated image and the crude, “computerish” look’ of the domestic Amiga system, as evidenced in K-Rad Man, a 1992 animation about computers and their increasing domesticity. (He was actually turned on to the idea of the Amiga after having seen a video of Andy Warhol ‘painting’ a digital portrait of Debbie Harry at the official launch of the Amiga in New York in 1985.)” _Matthew Perkins (ed.): Video Void, Australian Video Art, Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2018
Director, Writer and Producer Ian Haig, Dir. of Photography Martine Corompt.