Keith Piper: Reckless Eyeballing

  • ©, ,


    Reckless Eyeballing

Artist(s) and People Involved:




    Interactive Installation

Artist Statement:

    This installation uses an interactive sound and video system to explore three representational categories (sportsman, musician, threat) while underlining the presumptive power of the Black male gaze. It centers upon a single large video monitor or video projection placed at one end of the gallery. On the monitor is a closely cropped head of a black male, staring into space, occasionally shifting, with constantly changing backgrounds. Facing this monitor are three lecterns set on low wooden bases from which animated heads launch into verbal anecdotes exploring different aspects of black male visibility in humorous, provocative or confrontational ways.

Technical Information:

    This installation uses an interactive sound and video system to explore three representational categories (sportsman, musician, threat) while underlining the presumptive power of the Black male gaze. It centers upon a single large video monitor or video projection placed at one end of the gallery.


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