Kilian Ochs: Sphere 12/16

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    Sphere 12/16

Artist(s) and People Involved:

    Exhibiting Artist(s):

    • Kilian Ochs -
      • Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG)


Artist Statement:

    I believe that there is a reality of systems, which is the counterpart to the reality of usefulness in an anthropocentric sense. The systematic reality is vital and self-referential. For several years now, Kilian Ochs has been dealing with the development of his own theory of systems, and with the challenges that derive from shaping systematic procedures into material. With Sphere 12/16, one of his latest projects, he built his first object which both theoretically and aesthetically achieves the goal of melting logical thoughts and resistant material together. Sphere 12/16 was built during a stay in Tallinn (Estonia) from 2009 to 2010. The artist wants to express his gratitude to all his friends there who supported and helped him on this project, above all to Leho Reiska and Erik Alalooga.

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