“Runscape” by Laurent Gutierrez, Valerie Portefaix

  • ©, ,
  • Still from Runscape, 2010



Artist(s) and People Involved:


Artist Statement:

    MAP Office will develop a project that deploys Parkour as a form of city mapping. In Runscape, performers run at high speed through the urban centres of Hong  Kong (2010), Berlin (2012) and Sydney (2013), cutting through crowded thoroughfares and jumping across the tops of buildings. Runscape HK is a fast-paced, high-energy video that explores a highly pedestrianized cityscape from an athlete’s viewpoint. The Sydney run was made in Sydney during February 2013 for Running the City and will be augmented by a running performance event in Sydney during ISEA in June, organised for the CBD in association with the City of Sydney and NIEA’s Curating Cities team. Source: xmedialab.com/mentor/valrie-portefaix


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