“Letter Studies” by Apostolis Zolotakis

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    Letter Studies

Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    SCAN, the national institute for computer animation in Groningen, has enabled me to work with the Aesthetes graphics computer. In my work the process and experimentation (within certain pre-established limitations) are central, not a carefully planned final result.

    Color-patches, photographs, objects, etc are, after they have been digitized with a camera, the basic visual material that I then combine and manipulate with the paint capabilities of the computer. The resulting images carry a contrast between organic structures and an organic pixels.

    Another point of departure is typography. I use forms of characters because of their meaning and content. For most people characters belong to the world of graphic design and have nothing to do with fine arts. I would like to oppose that idea by creating “fine art” that consists of nothing else then characters. This form of art is for me not only a play of forms, but also contains an intrinsic content that results from the form of the chosen characters and their combinations.

Additional Images:

  • 1995 Bériou Tableau d' Amour
  • 1995 Beer Illusion #3
  • 1995 Beer The Artificer
  • 1995 Dodge Until We Sleep
  • 1995 Haig Astroturf
  • 1995 Herbst Late Arrival
  • 1995 Herbst Selbstportrait
  • 1995 Lech Bitter Trance


All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive:

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