“Lindbergh, 00 and the Trans-rational Boy” by Joshua Mosley

  • ©, ,
  • ©, ,
  • ©, ,
  • Photo from joshuamosley.com


    Lindbergh, 00 and the Trans-rational Boy

Artist(s) and People Involved:

    Filmmaker, Video Artist, or Animator(s):


Artist Statement:

    Ross, a young boy, is riding in a boat watching a perpetual motion machine powered by mice. Ross eats a sandwich and becomes tired. The sound of Charles Lindbergh’s plane awakes an anxiety within Ross and prompts him to wake. The language which is spoken is an imaginary scripted dialect. This piece incorporates both film and 3-D computer animation. The boat, the mechanism, and the mice were constructed from within the computer environment, while the water and the boy were captured on film.


    Technical assistance from Julie Goldstein, Donghyun Park, Jang Wook Lee, and Jamie Raap


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