“Luxo Jr” by John Lasseter
- Luxo Jr
Artist(s) and People Involved:
- John Lasseter
- Pixar
Filmmaker, Video Artist, or Animator(s):
- Computer Animation
- 02:11
Artist Statement:
©1986 Pixar All Rights Reserved. Luxo is a trademark of Jac. Jacobson Industries.
John Lasseter – direction, animations, models
Bill Reeves – technical direction, models, rendering
Sam Leffler – rendering
Don Conway – laser output scanning
Music provided by Forrest Patten, Kaleidosound
Luxo Jr. is an animated desk lamp, his son, and a ball. Animation was described by a keyframe animation system with procedural animation assistance. Piece demonstrates full self-shadowing with multiple light sources and procedural texturing.