Marie Wennersten: SR c

  • ©, ,


    SR c

Artist(s) and People Involved:


Creation Year:




Artist Statement:

    SR c is a sound-periodical with episodes one can return to. SR c is a radio channel for art, culture and ideas, and an audio-magazine in themes with visual landscapes to go into and to find radio in. We want to explore new ways of presenting radio and new ways of listening and perceiving radio. SR is for Swedish Radio, the National Public Radio, and c is for seeing. Seeing as in the programs we produce, programs that evoke imagery, like radio drama and documentaries. And of course as in the visual content you get at the website ; graphics, drawings, animation, video etc. Also c is for see as in understanding, and seeing through; “truths”, cultural preconceptions and smartness. [-you can never be too intelligent, but you can be too smart]. And it’s about see-through. A wish to strip bare the voice, make it free of professional tone, so that it is just the person there in the radio studio with a wish to talk. Not to everyone, but directly to each and someone.



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