Mark Trayle: Arcana 33 1/3

  • ©, ,


    Arcana 33 1/3

Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    Virtual reality is the emergent sixth sense. At the end of the 19th century, magicians and mediums used specially constructed furniture as gateways to the spirit world. Now we use video monitors, datagloves, force feedback sensors to view apparitions… fly among spirits.

    Automatic Descriptions is inspired by the arcane technology of the Spiritualists and the magic of virtual reality. Hyperextended senses take us to places possibly visited by psychics and mystics. At the end of the nineteenth century, mediums used specially constructed furniture as gateways to the spirit world. At the end of the twentieth century, we use video monitors, datagloves, force feedback sensors to view apparitions. Using a phonograph and a “seance table” (a small wooden table with embedded ultrasound and Hall-effect sensors), I conjure voices from other worlds.


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