Maurice-Georges Dyens: Vertigo Terrae
- Vertigo Terrae
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Exhibiting Artist(s):
- ISEA95: Sixth International Symposium on Electronic Art
- More artworks from ISEA95:
- Multimedia
Artist Statement:
This multimedia work reflects the existential concept of man in his environment. It develops in time and space thanks to a computer-assisted electronic system. It’s three parts are: The Holosculpture, a concept of our world through stones, holograms and music; The Words, projected in the space while the action of the holosculpture is subtly slowed down; and a video, Vertigo terrae, projected on a wide screen and giving another feeling of the same concern. Electroacoustic music: Marcelle Deschénes, Editing: Gabrielle Schloesser, Electronics: Martin Pelletier, Assistent: Raynald Tremblay. This installation has been made possible by the Canada Council, the Université du Québec é Montréal and MGD Productions (Montréal).