Mechthild Schmidt: Stochastic Dance

  • ©, ,


    Stochastic Dance

Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    From a live duet I generated an ensemble using multiple digital image processing and composite generations. Immanent to the chaos is a principle of order that leads to brief moments of harmony in rhythmic intervals. The metaphor of flying is a base of my work. The revolving quote from”Thus spoke Zarathustra” (Nietzsche) paraphrases the spirit of lightness that one does not fly into flying. It takes one to learn how to stand, walk, jump, …and dance before flying. To achieve a lightness of mind, freeing the thoughts from pragmatic truths. The simulation of reality fragments woven into a synthetic context offers this freedom by denying an absolute truth. (Choreography: Patrice Regnier/RUSH Dance; stochastic concept: Tom Brigham/NYIT).


    Choreography: Patrice Regnier/RUSH Dance

    Stochastic concept: Tom Brigham/NYIT


All Works by the Filmmaker(s) in This Archive: