Mercurial States: pass it on
- pass it on
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Exhibiting Artist(s):
Artist Statement:
‘Mercurial States’ creates an autonomous zone within Liverpool, a zone for celebrating the diverse and vigorous cultures of the black experience in contemporary Britain. Functioning on various levels, ‘Mercurial States’ comprises creative internet workshops, an artist’s residency and culminates in a Roundtable event.
Working with a group of young Somali men and a group of Afro-Caribbean teenagers, multimedia artist Kooj Chuhan helped the groups to produce the websites:
The Artist’s Residency, (in)Visible involved a collaboration between Liverpool Black Sisters, artist Susan Lewis and website designer Steve Hellens to produce a website:
which explores the visible and invisible presence of black women in the city of Liverpool.
Other Information:
Commissioned by FACT. With support from Care-Frica, Liverpool Black Sisters, Liverpool Somali Centre, The Egg Cafe & Gallery and MITES.
All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive:
- Mercurial States
- More Art Events from Mercurial States in this archive:
pass it on
[ ISEA98]