Miguel Chevalier: CD-Rom Presentation

  • ©, ,


    CD-Rom Presentation

Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    Since 1982 Miguel Chevalier’s work is characterized by an exploration of today’s technologies. His field of investigation finds its sources in Art history whose essential data he reformulates using computer tools. His themes relate to his observation on flows and networks that organise our contemporary societies. He has established himself internationally as one of the pioneers of virtual and digital art. The images he reveals constantly question our relation to the world.

    Numerous personal and group exhibitions in France and abroad have enabled him to develop a very personal approach, in particular at the Musee d’Art Moderne de Paris in 88, at the ARC, at the Vivita Gallery in Florence, Italy in 89, at the Centre G. Pompidou Visions Urbaines in 94, at the Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart, The Magic of Numbers in Germany in 97, at the Espace Cardin, Peripherie, in Paris in 98 and at the Biennial of Kwangju in Korea in March 2000.

    The CD-ROM presented is composed of extracts from 12 interactive and video installations. It was made with the collaboration of Christine Buci-Glucksmann and completes the monograph published this year by the publishing house Editions Flammarion.


All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive: