“Thermal Acoustics (2013)” by Minoru Sato

  • ©, ,


    Thermal Acoustics (2013)

Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    Minoru Sato has been thinking about ‘heat’ a lot recently, from his perspective its lack of palpability rendering it ‘ghostly’.  Sato muses on the very narrow temperature range within which we and our technologies exist, contrasting these with the extremes of the core of the planet, the surface of our Sun or even the core of an incinerator.  Whilst these are unimaginable they are not exceptional in the grand scheme of things. In this work Sato creates a microscopic world of heat energy, transforming and transducing heat into a sonic experience, inviting us to reconsider our relationships to natural phenomena.


Additional Images:

  • 2013 Sato Thermal Acoustics
  • 2013 Sato Thermal Acoustics
  • 2013 Sato Thermal Acoustics


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