“Obeying the Laws of Physics” by Daniel Scheidt

  • ©, ,


    Obeying the Laws of Physics

Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    Composed by Daniel Scheidt, performed by Trevor Tureski

    Obeying the Laws of Physics (1987) is a software composition for percussionist and interactive computer response system. The percussionist performs inprovisationally on a set of electronic drum pads which are used to drive a pair of synthesizers. The computer ‘observes’ the percussionist’s performance and generates its own responses according to the percussionist’s actions. These responses involve eleborations, ornamentations, tranformations, and literal quotes derived in real-time from the material provided by the percussionist.

    Audio: Obeying the Laws of Physics from album Action/Réaction (1991) 



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