Ripple Effect by Anastasia Tyurina
- Ripple Effect
Artist(s) and People Involved:
- Anastasia Tyurina
- Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
Exhibiting Artist(s):
Artist Statement:
Scientific photography aims to record and illustrate data and experiments that differ according to specific disciplines. Although scientific photography can be considered non-aesthetic, since its main purpose is not to convey beauty but rather accurate information, its ability to record material in addition to that which is merely informative allows it to also serve expressive, subjective, and aesthetic purposes. In my project, I use scientific photography to achieve an objective (scientific) resemblance of individual water drops to their subject, but the resulting images are highly selective in what they show and how. I try to create „expressive portraits” of water drops. My artistic intervention of a scientific process through experimenting with the SEM is a way to find what potentially different things my images can say about water to a viewer. Transforming the microworld to a macro level, I play with the meaning of presented images. My images and digital installations evoke an interest in that water composition is shown as being beautiful. This causes a dilemma for viewers, particularly because the gallery space is different from a laboratory.