Roz Dimon: The World’s Greatest Bar Chart

  • ©, ,


    The World’s Greatest Bar Chart

Artist(s) and People Involved:

    Exhibiting Artist(s):




    digital painting on cibachrome and interactive Shockwave


    36'' x 48''

Artist Statement:

    An interactive art work on CD-ROM “The World’s Greatest Bar Chart” takes a serious but humorous look at humanity’s obsession with comparative measurement, a phenomenon particularly cultivated in capitalistic nations like the United States. The piece’s structure is based on the analytic bar chart used by businesses universally, but in this case juxtaposing everything from vitamins to whales to bomb sites. There is an additional irony to the piece in that such an illogical construction arises from the tools and language of the ultimate machine of logic and measurement, the computer. “What makes this multimedia artwork significant is that it succeeds in transcending the inherent limitations of its medium. Although the cyber-painting’s enigmatic interface is based on the structure of a traditional bar chart, it invokes a distinctly sensory quality through the use of images, color and sound.


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