“Sounding the Future” by Gail Priest
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Exhibiting Artist(s):
- University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Creation Year:
Artist Statement:
We always speak of “visions of the future”, but what if we were to let the auditory realm lead our imaginings?
Sounding the Future brings together the worlds of speculative fiction and audio art. It is an intensive program of research and creative development that will seek to predict what art in future will sound like. This act of prediction is inevitably informed by the present and thus it will also take stock of the sound of art today.
Sounding the Future will result in a body of ficto-critical works that can be delivered via gallery installation, radiophonic presentation and e-publishing. The spine of the work will be a number of future scenarios in which sound and its manifestation as sound art, is the dominant novum — the paradigm shifter.
The narratives revolve around two themes: Future Human — the integration of technology and biology resulting in trans- and post-human conditions; Future City — the exploitation of the sonic potentials of the new cities we imagine. Nested within these narrative trajectories will be non-fictional material — Future Citings — short text essays, video, artist interviews interviews and studies which provide factual and theoretical grounding for these future speculations.