“STACK” by Robert B. Lisek

  • ©, ,



Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    STACK is a collective self-modificating virtual environment that allows small groups of participants to interact with autonomous objects and with each other in real time as they go up through the levels of the datastack. Humans are represented by the results of their activities. Wile crossing different nodes of the STACK, they move through the space, teleplaying with objects and others participants. The objects compete each with other, one retracting to the other, or provoking the other’s verbal or symbolic interchanges. The objects are not entirely frozen in advance, but it is possible to change their tissues, sources and sequences. What arises is a dynamic system of variable’s quantities and awareness.

    The signals are picked up by the system of sensors.After the digitalization they are sent to the programs which operate the installation. This is a kind of neural-net which is the original program created by R. Lisek and Sz. Kuzniarz. Its practical value will only be determined through extensive experimentation. It would become truly overpowering if the system became to rewrite its own source code and transformed itself into something entirely different than it once was.

Additional Images:

  • 2002 Lisek STACK


All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive: