: star dot star


star dot star

Artist(s) and People Involved:

Exhibiting Artist(s):

Helen Sloan -
  • National Institute for Computer Animation (SCAN)




Artist Statement:


    1. Paul de Marinis [USA] – Dinner at Ernie’s and a Flaw in the Decor
    2. Mike Guida & Mark Winstanley [Eng] – Incubator
    3. Madelon Hooykaas & Elsa Stansfield [Neth] – Table of
    4. Simon Penny [Australia/USA] – Petit Mal

    Inspired by the seminal 1968 exhibition at the ICA, ‘Cybernetic Serendipity’, ‘star dot star’ examines the influence that electronic art from the 1960’s has had on current practice. It draws attention to the extensive – but often overlooked in the wider picture – history of computer use in the production of art in the last 30 years and attempts to debunk the ‘newness’ often attributed to artworks using new technology.

    star dot star exhibition and catalogue curated and edited by Helen Sloan. Catalogue contributors: Lisa Haskel, John Lansdown, Jasia Reichardt. Due to spatial limitations, this is an abridged version of the Site Gallery touring exhibition. The full exhibition also includes work by Natalie Jeremijenko, Tessa Elliott & Jonathan Jones Morris.


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