“Table of Orientation” by Elsa Stansfield, Madelon Hooykaas

  • ©, ,


    Table of Orientation

Artist(s) and People Involved:


Artist Statement:

    Lying on the table is a bronze cast relief map of a non-specific landscape, and a magnifying glass. The surface of the map is divided into eight areas, one of which is a built-in monitor screen. Central to the work is a laser disk with which the viewer can access a sequences of images. When the observer moves the magnifying glass from one zone to another, the images on the monitor respond accordingly. Each of the areas on the map also has an aspect of depth which becomes visible to an observer who spends more time in one area. The sequences related to depth are arranged according to movement, place, people, text, and sound.

Technical Information:

    Lying on the table is a bronze cast relief map of a non-specific landscape, and a magnifying glass. The surface of the map is divided into eight areas, one of which is a built-in monitor screen.



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