Taien Ng-Chan: Inside the Chrysalis
- Inside the Chrysalis
Artist(s) and People Involved:
- Taien Ng-Chan
- York University
Exhibiting Artist(s):
- 360 VR video
- 4:25
Artist Statement:
Inside the Chrysalis is a science fiction that is happening now, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Wrapped in their cocoons, people dream of new worlds… Inner landscapes and strange bedfellows… What will emerge?
This 360VR video by Taien Ng-Chan is made in collaboration with artists who were asked to construct a cocoon out of common household items, however they wished. This artwork is available to experience online.
Featuring, in order of appearance: Carmela Laganse, Donna Akrey, Leslie Sasaki, Taien Ng-Chan, Melissa Murray-Mutch and Sam Ollmann-Chan.