Teri Rueb, Carmelita Topaha, Larry Phan: sound walk and spatialized sound composition

  • ©, ,
  • Photo by Wim van der Plas


    sound walk and spatialized sound composition

Artist(s) and People Involved:


Artist Statement:

    The concept of wilderness is heavily inflected with European meanings and associations, including domination of peoples and environments, yet every culture holds aside certain places and things that are explicitly left undefined, un-named, un-seen, un-touched, un-spoken. Drawing visitors out into the landscapes surrounding The lnstitute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, this GPS-based sound walk and spatialized sound composition explores the concept of wilderness and its shifting meanings across cultural contexts. A “visitor center’ and series of critical mappings are presented at the Santa Fe Art Institute and related exhibition spaces throughout the area.  larryphan.com/no-places-with-names-2012.html


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