“Test-patches” by 66b/cell

  • ©, ,
  • ©, ,

Artist Statement:

    Get your eyeball tattooed!

    A black & white world bound together by immersive imagery set in a radical minimal soundscape. The empty white screen reveals itself to be just another layer among endless projected inscriptions onto the eye. Cell’s mesmerizing visual projections are created by C.V.A: a real time rendering graphics engine prototype. For 66b, the idea of test patches has lead to a live movement film strip where myriad afterimages highlight the relationship between performer and ground in an ever-shifting dynamic. 66b/cell, together with Tachi – Maeda Laboratory Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo, are developing wearable devices synchronizing body gesture to the visual and sound network.

    All and nothing. Black and white. Elusive and permanent. Indelibly stamped.


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