“The Secret of Eternal Levitation” by Stephanie Rothenberg
- The Secret of Eternal Levitation
Artist(s) and People Involved:
- Stephanie Rothenberg
- University at Buffalo
Exhibiting Artist(s):
- Google Earth, video, custom code, mixed-media kiosk
Artist Statement:
The Secret of Eternal Levitation is an interactive installation and correlating augmented reality, cell phone-enabled tour that explores the power dynamics and structural relationships between contemporary visions of utopian urbanization and real-world economic, political, and environmental factors. Drawing from existing interpretations of the “ideal” global city as projected by the fantastical constructions of cities such as Dubai or Beijing, the project creates a narrative around a fictional multinational developer. Video: The Secret of Eternal Levitation
The Secret of Eternal Levitation from Timothy Scaffidi on Vimeo.
Secret of Eternal Levitation, ©2012, 2-minutes from Stephanie Rothenberg on Vimeo.