“The Transgenic Bagel” by Sonya Rapoport
- The Transgenic Bagel
Artist(s) and People Involved:
- Sonya Rapoport
- University of California at Berkeley
Exhibiting Artist(s):
- Interactive
Artist Statement:
The Transgenic Bagel is an interactive computer-assisted artwork based on a gene splicing theme. The initial interaction, affecting the sound component, occurs when participants “play” a simulated slot machine to “win” a character trait. This gene trait, excised from a mythological animal residing in Noah’s virtual ark, is processed, engineered, and impregnated into a DNA plasmid bagel. Participants can accept the gene by eating the transgenic bagel, or trade the trait. How they plan to use it is another interactive feature.
All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive:
- Sonya Rapoport
- More Art Events from Sonya Rapoport in this archive:
The Transgenic Bagel
[ ISEA95]