“Tri-phonic Revolutions” by Janek Schaefer

  • ©, ,


    Tri-phonic Revolutions

Artist(s) and People Involved:


Artist Statement:

    Janek Schaefer has devised a performance that has at its core an instrument invented in his bedroom in 1997. The Tri-phonic Turntable is a three tone arm, two direction, ultra vari-speed vinyl manipulator. Here the Tri-phonic becomes a condensed schizophrenic interpreter with an indiscriminate personality of its own, curated and taught by the operator. Utilising cacophonous reverse Doctor Who, detuned percussion instruments and stuttering T.S. Eliott records, the Tri¬phonic is amalgamated with his ’70s school turntable and a botch potch of cheap repetition machines. The revolution begins here, and ends locked in a groove. A split EP is out on Fat Cat records.


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