Valentin Lacambre, Frauke Behrendt, Nathalie Magnan: Sailing for Geeks

  • ©, ,


    Sailing for Geeks

Artist(s) and People Involved:


Artist Statement:

    Sailing for Geeks takes a sailing boat with a crew of self-confessed geeks on a journey through the Turku archipelago and into navigational software code.

    Sailing for Geeks will explore code while navigating the open sea, creating a situation which, for geeks in the process of exploring code, is highly unusual, The group’s open source of exploration and inspiration will be free nautical navigation software, communication at sea and WiFi performances.

    The project is an attempt to collectively consider issues of mapping, routing, maritime communication, communication history, and navigation, while maintaining contact with the sea environment that is the object of all these issues. The project will thus add an experiential layer to the development process, which the group expects to result in the development of free, open-source navigation software.

    Another aim of the project is to navigate through the labyrinthine Turku archipelago using only instruments and the classic navigation system. For communication the crew will use existing technology – the Inmarsat Mini-M. The Mini-M will provide the bandwidth to transmit video-clips and visual materials to the ISEA conference boat via a server located on a stratospheric balloon!

    Proposed route:

    1. Departure from Airisto on 12.8.2004 at 16:00
    2. Navigation through the archipelago
    3. Arrival in Mariehamn on 15.8.2004
    4. WiFi performance via stratospheric balloon in Mariehamn, 16.8,2004, 19-
    5. Return to Airisto on the 18.8.2004 am

    All the people involved in this project are excellent sailors, though they have very different backgrounds. They variously have backgrounds in the non-commercial internet, the history of science, wireless art, social hacking and performance.


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