“Latin American MediaArt: Political Dimensions of the Archive of the International Image Festival” presented by Londoño Lópes and Mateo

“Latin American MediaArt: Political Dimensions of the Archive of the International Image Festival” presented by Londoño Lópes and Mateo

“ISEA Symposium Archives” presented by Wong, Mitchell, van der Plas and Searleman

“ISEA Symposium Archives” presented by Wong, Mitchell, van der Plas and Searleman

“ACM SIGGRAPH History Archives: Reclaiming the Past” presented by Mitchell and Searleman

“ACM SIGGRAPH History Archives: Reclaiming the Past” presented by Mitchell and Searleman

“Asymmetric VR Installation and Repertoire: Time and Space in Collaborative Interaction” presented by Chang

“Asymmetric VR Installation and Repertoire: Time and Space in Collaborative Interaction” presented by Chang

“ISEA Symposia in Australia: Past, Present and Future (1992, 2013 & 2024)” presented by Wong, Mitchell and Searleman

“ISEA Symposia in Australia: Past, Present and Future (1992, 2013 & 2024)” presented by Wong, Mitchell and Searleman

“New Animation Art: The History and Evolution of Computer Animation at Prix Ars Electronica” presented by Pham, Wintersberger and Hagler

“New Animation Art: The History and Evolution of Computer Animation at Prix Ars Electronica” presented by Pham, Wintersberger and Hagler

“ISEA Symposium Archives: Recent Developments” presented by Wong, Mitchell, Searleman and van der Plas

“ISEA Symposium Archives: Recent Developments” presented by Wong, Mitchell, Searleman and van der Plas

“Globally Connecting New Media Art Archives: Progress, Goals and Challenges” presented by Mitchell, Perissinotto, Wong and Hoffmann

“Globally Connecting New Media Art Archives: Progress, Goals and Challenges” presented by Mitchell, Perissinotto, Wong and Hoffmann

“Connected archives. New archive interfaces from queer and open-source strategies” presented by Baigorri and Marchante

“Connected archives. New archive interfaces from queer and open-source strategies” presented by Baigorri and Marchante

“PAM (Plataforma Arte y Medios) – Archiving and Disseminating Media Arts from Latin America” presented by Montero and Hofman

“PAM (Plataforma Arte y Medios) – Archiving and Disseminating Media Arts from Latin America” presented by Montero and Hofman

“Artypical archive. Art, Science and Technology in post-Soviet perspective” presented by Fuchs

“Artypical archive. Art, Science and Technology in post-Soviet perspective” presented by Fuchs

“ACM SIGGRAPH History Archive Comes Alive: 50 Years of Innovation, Creativity and Ground-Breaking Achievements” presented by Mitchell and Searleman

“ACM SIGGRAPH History Archive Comes Alive: 50 Years of Innovation, Creativity and Ground-Breaking Achievements” presented by Mitchell and Searleman

“Bridging Knowledge: Connecting New Media Art Archives” presented by Hoffmann, Perissinotto, Wong, Mitchell and Grau

“Bridging Knowledge: Connecting New Media Art Archives” presented by Hoffmann, Perissinotto, Wong, Mitchell and Grau

“Art Data: New Frontiers in Curating, Preserving, Displaying and Connecting Digital Based Arts” presented by Dementieva, Frants, Randerson and Kolodzei

“Art Data: New Frontiers in Curating, Preserving, Displaying and Connecting Digital Based Arts” presented by Dementieva, Frants, Randerson and Kolodzei

“Imaginaries in Becoming: The Dynamic Archive” presented by Sick, Kukric and Antipan Olate

“Imaginaries in Becoming: The Dynamic Archive” presented by Sick, Kukric and Antipan Olate

“Digital strategies as our common challenge: The work of Open Resource Center and AuDA” presented by Capdevila

“Digital strategies as our common challenge: The work of Open Resource Center and AuDA” presented by Capdevila

“Copy-It-Right. The Distribution Religion: The Media Archaeology of the Sandin Image Processor” presented by Long

“Copy-It-Right. The Distribution Religion: The Media Archaeology of the Sandin Image Processor” presented by Long

“The VR Archive Project” presented by Abes

“The VR Archive Project” presented by Abes

“ISEA Symposium Archives: From the Past to the Present” presented by Wong, van der Plas, Mitchell and Searleman

“ISEA Symposium Archives: From the Past to the Present” presented by Wong, van der Plas, Mitchell and Searleman

“ACM SIGGRAPH History Online Archives: Showcasing 50 Years of Innovation, Creativity and Ground-Breaking Research” presented by Mitchell and Searleman

“ACM SIGGRAPH History Online Archives: Showcasing 50 Years of Innovation, Creativity and Ground-Breaking Research” presented by Mitchell and Searleman

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