“Cooperative Aesthetic Experience in Participatory and Interactive Art” presented by Kelomees and Hales

“Cooperative Aesthetic Experience in Participatory and Interactive Art” presented by Kelomees and Hales

“Looking Back on 10 Years of Expanded Animation Symposium: Organizing, Documenting and Archiving Together with Students” presented by Hagler, Hochleitner, Proier and Schaufler

“Looking Back on 10 Years of Expanded Animation Symposium: Organizing, Documenting and Archiving Together with Students” presented by Hagler, Hochleitner, Proier and Schaufler

“Remixing the Flying Words Project” presented by Jégo, Chateauvert and Tsampounaris

“Remixing the Flying Words Project” presented by Jégo, Chateauvert and Tsampounaris

“Digital Research Unit in Art and Design of ESAD Saint-Étienne/Ensba Lyon” presented by Lartigaud

“Digital Research Unit in Art and Design of ESAD Saint-Étienne/Ensba Lyon” presented by Lartigaud

“The Medium is the Environment: Digital Materialism, Digital Art, and the Climate Crisis” presented by Day

“The Medium is the Environment: Digital Materialism, Digital Art, and the Climate Crisis” presented by Day

“Connecting new media art archives worldwide” presented by , Searleman, van der Plas and Wong

“Connecting new media art archives worldwide” presented by , Searleman, van der Plas and Wong

“Protest and Aesthetics in The Metainterface Spectacle” presented by Andersen and Pold

“Protest and Aesthetics in The Metainterface Spectacle” presented by Andersen and Pold

“Artistic residencies in digital companies” presented by Martet

“Artistic residencies in digital companies” presented by Martet

“kin_ – An AR Dance Performance With Believable Avatars” presented by Triebus, Geiger and Družetić-Vogel

“kin_ – An AR Dance Performance With Believable Avatars” presented by Triebus, Geiger and Družetić-Vogel

“A Sonic Exploration of Spanish Flamenco and the Whirling Dervishes of Turkey with Wearable Technology” presented by Hurban

“A Sonic Exploration of Spanish Flamenco and the Whirling Dervishes of Turkey with Wearable Technology” presented by Hurban

“Ecopornography in Digital Arts” presented by Stenslie and Cerpina

“Ecopornography in Digital Arts” presented by Stenslie and Cerpina

ISEA2022 Mitchell: Towards a Global Distributed Network

“Towards a Global Distributed Network of New Media Art Archives” presented by Mitchell and Grau

ISEA2022 Mitchell: ISEA Symposium Archives

“ISEA Symposium Archives: Progressing from the Past to the Future” presented by Mitchell, Searleman, van der Plas and Wong

ISEA2022 Clark: Establishing the Computer Arts Society Archive

“Establishing the Computer Arts Society Archive” presented by Clark and Carroll

ISEA2022 Hagler: Archiving the Symposium Expanded Animation

“Archiving the Symposium Expanded Animation: Challenges, Solutions and International Collaborations” presented by Hagler

“Mixed Reality and Visualization – Designing Multisensual Experiences Using the Whole Body” presented by Geiger, Triebus and Družetić-Vogel

“Mixed Reality and Visualization – Designing Multisensual Experiences Using the Whole Body” presented by Geiger, Triebus and Družetić-Vogel

“A Path To Constructing A Diverse Future in Digital Media Arts” presented by Roberts, Moore and Mclaughlin

“A Path To Constructing A Diverse Future in Digital Media Arts” presented by Roberts, Moore and Mclaughlin

ISEA2022 Bell: Right-Click to Save

“Right-Click to Save: Preservation, NFTs, and Distributed Ledgers” presented by Bell, Harsanyi and Ippolito

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Evan Light: Snowden Archive-in-a-Box

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Rodrigo D’Alcântara: The Self-declarations series

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