“Breathless: A Sensor-to-Sound Performance and its Periphery” presented by Hedayati

“Breathless: A Sensor-to-Sound Performance and its Periphery” presented by Hedayati

“Practices of Prediction: Tarot as a Lens for Disrupting ML Eventfulness” presented by McFadden

“Practices of Prediction: Tarot as a Lens for Disrupting ML Eventfulness” presented by McFadden

“The Boar in the Flower Shop – Exploring Synthography as a New Genre Beyond Photography” presented by Reinhuber and Pelz

“The Boar in the Flower Shop – Exploring Synthography as a New Genre Beyond Photography” presented by Reinhuber and Pelz

““Hidden Incidents of Pet Food”: Portraying Taurine Deficiency in Cats” presented by Wu, Jin, Fei, Wang, Zhu, et al. …

““Hidden Incidents of Pet Food”: Portraying Taurine Deficiency in Cats” presented by Wu, Jin, Fei, Wang, Zhu, et al. …

“A Matter of Orientation: Interactive Artwork Recasting Historical Artifacts in Latent Reality” presented by Cheung, Kryzhanivska and Hui

“A Matter of Orientation: Interactive Artwork Recasting Historical Artifacts in Latent Reality” presented by Cheung, Kryzhanivska and Hui

“Abundant Intelligences: Indigenous Knowledges and AI” presented by Lewis, Whaanga, Anderson and Witehira

“Abundant Intelligences: Indigenous Knowledges and AI” presented by Lewis, Whaanga, Anderson and Witehira

“overGround:underStory — More-than-human Storytelling with Silicon and Carbon Kin” presented by Burrell

“overGround:underStory — More-than-human Storytelling with Silicon and Carbon Kin” presented by Burrell

“Deep Learning Algorithms as Potential Solutions to Challenges in Video Art Preservation” presented by Chow and Chan

“Deep Learning Algorithms as Potential Solutions to Challenges in Video Art Preservation” presented by Chow and Chan

“Xenoforms” presented by Didakis

“Xenoforms” presented by Didakis

“The Cabinet of Wolfgang von Kempelen: AI Art and Creative Agency” presented by Grba

“The Cabinet of Wolfgang von Kempelen: AI Art and Creative Agency” presented by Grba

“Possibilising performance through interactive telematic technology: Mental Dance” presented by Brown and Lim

“Possibilising performance through interactive telematic technology: Mental Dance” presented by Brown and Lim

“Intellingent Habitat: An intelligent audiovisual environment using internal bodily signals and emotion AI” presented by Robles-Angel

“Intellingent Habitat: An intelligent audiovisual environment using internal bodily signals and emotion AI” presented by Robles-Angel

“Towards a Theory of Machine Learning and the Cinematic Image” presented by Lyons

“Towards a Theory of Machine Learning and the Cinematic Image” presented by Lyons

“Umwelten: Shifting agencies among the human, the non-human, and a machine learning algorithm” presented by Jain

“Umwelten: Shifting agencies among the human, the non-human, and a machine learning algorithm” presented by Jain

“Machine Learning-based Approaches in Biometric Data Art” presented by Han

“Machine Learning-based Approaches in Biometric Data Art” presented by Han

“Generating Condolences: Coding Grief During Covid-19” presented by Ahrndt

“Generating Condolences: Coding Grief During Covid-19” presented by Ahrndt

“1001 Nights – An Open-domain Narrative Game Using Text Generation Model” presented by Sun, Lee and Asadipour

“1001 Nights – An Open-domain Narrative Game Using Text Generation Model” presented by Sun, Lee and Asadipour

ISEA2022: Lee_Her_TheErectionOfPhygitalGraveyard

“The Erection of a Phygital Graveyard” by Inmi Lee, Yunmi Her

ISEA2022: Lepp_DeepReckonings

“Deep Reckonings” by Stephanie Lepp

Anatomies of Intelligence

Anatomies of Intelligence

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