Alex Saunier
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Alex is a Montreal-based artist and doctoral researcher that creates multi-sensory light experiences and performances. Working at the frontier between perceptible and imperceptible, tangible and intangible, material and immaterial, Saunier explores the relations between human perception and digital processes. He hybridizes sound synthesis, artificial life algorithms and lighting hardware in a pursuit of ever more embodied and sensual experiences.
Saunier earned an undergraduate degree in mathematics and physics followed by a masters in sound design and engineering from the renowned ENS Louis Lumière (Paris, France) before engaging in research in design, robotics and interactive systems at the ENS Arts Décoratifs (Paris, France). He is currently a doctoral researcher at Concordia University (Montreal, Canada) where he conducts research on practices of lighting with autonomous computational systems. His artistic work has been presented in various international venues such as Ars Electronica, Toronto’s Nuit Blanche, Exit Festival, MuffatWerk, Impakt Festival and BCN_LLUM.
Last Known Location:
- Title: Dynamics of Perceptions: Engaging with the Felt Experience of Temporally Dynamic Algorithms Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):