Alison Gazzard

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Alison Gazzard, London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education, London, UK


Al­i­son Gaz­zard is a Post-Doc­toral Re­search Fel­low in New Media at the Uni­ver­sity of Bed­ford­shire, UK, where she also holds the po­si­tion of Ed­i­to­r­ial As­sis­tant for Con­ver­gence: The In­ter­na­tional Jour­nal of Re­search into New Media Tech­nolo­gies. She was awarded a PhD from the Uni­ver­sity of Hert­ford­shire ti­tled ‘Paths, Play­ers, Places: To­wards an Un­der­stand­ing of Mazes and Spaces in Videogames’ and an MA in 3D Com­puter An­i­ma­tion from the Na­tional Cen­tre of Com­puter An­i­ma­tion at Bournemouth Uni­ver­sity. Her re­search on videogame spaces, play­ers, map­ping and lo­ca­tion-based media has been pre­sented at var­i­ous in­ter­na­tional con­fer­ences as well as being pub­lished in jour­nals such as Game Stud­ies and the Jour­nal of Gam­ing & Vir­tual Worlds. Her cur­rent re­search in­ter­ests in­clude play, paths, jour­neys and time in both real and vir­tual world spaces.


Alison Gazzard is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in New Media at the University of Bedfordshire, UK. Her research examines the boundaries between the virtual, the real and the spaces in between most notably through videogames, augmented reality games and location-based media.

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Full text (PDF)   p. 295-298

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: